O U R   T E A M


Duvet Comfort Inc. is backed by over 30 years of experience and solid reputation for value and dependability in Down Production.
We are proud to be designing and producing 100% Canadian-Made Down products that will keep you comfortable and warm in extreme weather conditions while encompassing a unique sense of style! 
Meet our team behind the magic:

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Johnny Yiu

Johnny Yiu
President/Chief Designer
of all brands
(416) 754-1455

Frankie Chu

Frankie Chu
Vice President/Chief Cook + Bottle Washer
(416) 754-1455

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Bessi Chow

Bessi Chow
VP of Sales + Marketing
(416) 754-1455 x 106

Bernice Burlingham

Bernice Burlingham
Vice President/Finance
416 754-1455 x 103

Sally Wong

Sally Wong
Production + Purchasing Coordinator
416 754-1455 x 107

Social Media Manager        Assistant to VP of Sales + Marketing
416 754-1455 x 109

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Lili Chong

Lili Chong
Accounting Manager
416 754-1455 x 111

Wing Ng

Wing Ng
Production Manager
416 754-1455 x 116

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Duvet Comfort Inc., welcomes employment applications from people with disabilities.
Accommodations are available on request for candidates wishing to apply.

Accessibility Plan - Multi Year

Duvet Comfort Inc., objective to identify, remove and prevent barriers to persons with disabilities, in accordance with AODA.

 Statement of Commitment

 Duvet Comfort Inc., is committed to treating all people in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence.  We believe in integration and equal opportunity.  We are committed to meeting the needs of persons with disabilities in a timely manner, and will do so by identifying, removing and preventing barriers to accessibility and meeting accessibility standards in accordance with the AODA. 

Duvet Comfort Inc., is committed to making every reasonable effort to accommodate people with disabilities.

 Training Personnel 

By January 2015 Duvet will ensure that training is provided on the requirements of accessibility standards. 

Training of all Management and appropriate Customer Service personnel as per Duvet's Accessible Customer Service Policy to ensure the principles of independence, dignity, integration and equality of opportunity for people with disabilities.


By January 2015 Duvet will ensure that it's process for receiving and responding to feedback is accessible to persons with disabilities upon request.

 Employment Standards 

Workplace Emergency Response Information  

Duvet will provide individualized workplace emergency response information to Employees who have a disability, if the disability is such that the individualized information is necessary, and if Duvet is aware of the need for accommodation due to the Employee's disability.  Duvet will provide this information as soon as practicable after becoming aware of the need for accommodation. 

Where the employee requires assistance, Duvet will, with the consent of the Employee, provide the workplace emergency response information to the person designated by Duvet to provide assistance to the employee. 

Duvet is committed to fair and accessible employment practices.  We will take steps to notify the public and staff that, when requested, Duvet will accommodate people with disabilities during the recruitment and assessment processes and when people are hired.


A candidate who is provided with an offer of employment will be notified that the company accommodates employees with disabilities upon request.  The company will consult with the employee in order to provide accessible formats and communication supports regarding information that is needed to perform their job as well as general information made available to all employees in the workplace. 

Informing Personnel of Supports 

Duvet will inform its personnel of its policies used to support Employees with disabilities.

 Duvet Comfort Inc.,